Seminar Details

Theory and Problem-Solving Obedience Seminar

Connie's two-day seminars focus on understanding all levels of competitive obedience. The seminar will begin with a discussion on how dogs learn. Then Connie spends time working individually with each working team. Generally, day one focuses on individuals working on attention, heeling, retrieving, and recalls. On Day 2, Connie will help teams with more difficult exercises such as go-outs, articles, drop on recall, etc.

About Connie Cleveland

Connie Cleveland

Connie Cleveland-Nolan is an internationally recognized dog trainer who has been teaching and coaching dog obedience students for over three decades. In 2019, Connie launched The Obedience Road, a complete online resource for obedience competitors. Utilizing written and video content, monthly webinars, community forums, and personalized video review, Connie coaches newcomers and experienced competitors alike.

Connie competes in both Obedience and Retriever Field Trials, having finished 12 Obedience Trial Champions (OTCH), two Field Champions (FC), five Amateur Field Champions (AFC), a UDT Maltese, and a CDX Shih-Tzu.

Seminar Details

Saturday July 12 -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday July 13 - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Light snacks and water will be provided each day. Lunch will not be provided.

The seminar will be held at the A Click Above facility located at 19277 Evergreen Mills Rd, Leesburg, Va, 20175. The facility is an indoor, climate-controlled building with artificial turf footing.

Registration Information

Registration Fees

  • Working Spot- 2 days (limit 20 dogs): Current ACA students $250; General Public $275

  • Auditing Spot (non-working): Current ACA students $50/one day or $75/two days; General Public $70/one day or $105/two days

Full payment must be received with the registration form to reserve a spot in the seminar. Please make checks payable to A Click Above. No refunds will be given after June 1, unless your spot can be filled.

How to Register

Download the Registration Form, fill out, and mail with payment to: Nancy Walkins, 14258 Milltown Rd, Lovettsville, VA 20180

For questions and information, please contact Nancy Walkins at